
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. See our privacy policy here.


While a session can feel therapeutic, Somatica Sex and Relationship Coaching is not psychotherapy. We are not physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed social workers or licensed marriage and family therapist, and we do not offer psychotherapy or medical advice. We work in conjunction with psychotherapists and if you think you need these services, we would be happy to refer you to the appropriate professionals. Somatica Sex and Relationship Coaching is also not a medical treatment. Prospective and current clients who feel that they are physically ill are encouraged to seek medical evaluation from a physician.

Gender Inclusion Policy

Somatica welcomes people of all gender identities and those who do not identify with a gender at all such as those who identify as non-binary. We believe that trans men are men and trans women are women. We encourage our students to pay attention to people’s gender identity and to call them by their preferred pronouns.

Accessibility and Special Needs

The venue where we teach our trainings is accessible. If you have special needs in regards to the training, please email your request to [email protected] and we will do everything we can to accommodate them.

If You Have a Grievance

We take the feelings and concerns of our students very seriously. If you have a grievance of any kind, please contact the Somatica founders by emailing [email protected]. A Somatica Institute representative will then consult with the appropriate personnel to find fair methods to address your concerns. We will get back to you within 48 hours.

Students pursuing AASECT CEs who have reported a grievance and are not satisfied with the solutions put forth by the Somatica Institute can contact the AASECT by emailing [email protected]. The Somatica Institute will abide by any decisions regarding the resolution of the grievance.

If you’ve had an incident with a Somatica coach that you feel violates the code of ethics, you can file a complaint by emailing details to [email protected].

Legal Notice

With reference to California Penal Code section 647(b) and CALCRIM Nos. 1153 to 1155, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration.

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The Somatica Method is founded on the idea that each person has a right to fully embody and express themselves authentically while respecting others’ boundaries. The foundation of consent is the belief that every human being has a right to their boundaries and that it is our job as coaches and as fellow humans to champion, support, and respect the boundaries of others. We cultivate relationships that include our own and other’s safety as well as a deep care for each others’ well-being and pleasure. Somatica is committed to the importance of consent and teaches consent practices. Consent practices are used when we coach our clients and in interactions in class between students, group leaders, and teachers.

  • Coaches must stay within the Somatica boundaries with their clients at all times. If they do not, they can lose their certification. We take client complaints seriously and a client may contact us to let us know if a coach has crossed the Somatica boundaries.
  • In interactions between students in class, between group leaders and students, and between teachers and students, everyone in class must stay within the Somatica boundaries and practice unpressured consent during touch practices. Unpressured consent means that a “no” should be immediately accepted without persuasion and no touch should be engaged in if someone has expressed hesitation about the touch. Any coercive tactics or pressure (e.g., making someone responsible for your disappointment, continuing to ask for something after a boundary is stated, or emotional manipulation) are expressly forbidden.
  • If students violate the Somatica boundaries with each other during class time or engage in pressuring tactics, depending on the situation, they may be asked to do an immediate repair or restorative justice conversation. If the violation is deemed egregious by the leadership team, the student may be suspended from training, removed from the online community and asked to do an accountability process if they want to take classes or re-enter the online community. They will be given an accountability process and will be responsible for creating their own accountability pod if required.
  • Teachers and group leaders are prohibited from interacting with students beyond the Somatica boundaries for at least 6 months after being in a position of power (as a teacher or group leader) with the students in their class or classes. If a teacher violates this policy, they will lose their position as a teacher. If a group leader violates this policy they may be asked to do an immediate repair or restorative justice conversation. If the violation is deemed egregious by the leadership team, the group leader may be suspended from training, removed from the online community and asked to do an accountability process if they want to take classes or re-enter the online community. They will be given an accountability process and will be responsible for creating their own accountability pod if required.
  • If coaches wish to shift a coaching relationship with a client from a client to a romantic relationship, they must follow the guidelines to do so which are outlined in class and, amongst other requirements, include at least a year without any contact. 
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