Trademark & Copyright Guidelines

Somatica® is a Registered Trademark

Somatica® is a registered trademark owned by the Somatica LLC. It may only be used within the boundaries of the guidelines listed below.

All Somatica® materials, including any training manuals, books, videos and logos, are protected by copyright laws. No reproduction or use of any portion of any of these materials is permitted without prior written permission from the copyright owner.

The Somatica® Method, exercises, and skills can only be practiced by individuals who have completed the Somatica training. No other training or instruction of the Somatica® Method is permitted.

What Is the Purpose of a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase that is used to identify a particular product or service and distinguish it from others. For example, the trademark Somatica® identifies and differentiates the coaching modality of the Somatica Method from all other sex and relationship coaching modalities. The purpose of a trademark is to make it easier for consumers to identify the source of a given good or service. Plus, trademarks give the mark’s owners an incentive to invest in the quality of the goods or services they provide.

Somatica Trademark Usage Guidelines

We encourage our Somatica Institute students and alumni to use the term Somatica® in reference to their qualifications, certifications, and coaching services. 

Follow these guidelines for both digital and non-digital uses (where applicable):


  • The term Somatica should always be followed by the ® symbol, like this: Somatica®
  • The keyboard shortcut for the Registered Symbol is Ctrl+Alt+R on Windows, and Option+R on MacOS.

Usage & Linking:

Please refrain from using the term “Somatica” in any of the following website elements:

  • URLs
  • Navigation or site menu (including sub-menues and internal navigation links)
  • Page titles
  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Site header titles (H1 tag)
  • Blog categories and tags

If you have any questions or aboug the use of the Somatica® trademark, logo, images, or materials, please reach out to [email protected].

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