Somatica Institute Reviews

Over the years, Somatica Institute has been privileged to train many wonderful students on how to be a sex and relationship coach.

In turn, we are honored to have received below Somatica Method reviews from our student body.

Watching them grow in their personal lives, or blossom into highly skilled and successful professionals, has been the highlight and ultimate reward of our careers.

If you’d like to provide a testimonial about a Somatica coach, please contact us.

  • Pamela Joy

    I cannot recommend this training highly enough to anyone looking to start or augment their career in helping others live lives of wholehearted erotic intimacy.

  • Sabrina

    The lessons learned are easy to apply to real life, thus expanding my understanding and competence while also creating satisfying change in my personal relationships.

  • Cory

    I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for what you taught last week – and to reflect back on the immediate and jaw-dropping impact it’s had on my ability to coach my corporate clients on leadership, communications, and performance. I now understand the underlying forces happening in their experience and our relationship dynamic at a level beyond what I was able to before. It is helping them feel seen, held, and have access to breakthroughs.

  • Joui

    I walk around the world with so much more confidence. Anytime anyone asks me about the Somatica Training, I tell them, whether or not you are going to be a sex and relationship coach, you should take the training.
    I didn’t realize how much shame and confusion I had about my sexuality.
    Now, after taking Somatica, I feel so empowered in my sex life and relationships.
    The world would be such a better place if we were all having great sex and relationships.

  • Maggie

    What made the sessions with practice clients doable was that I learned a wide menu of experiential exercises I could refer to. I also felt confident in guiding clients through each one because of the practice with students that takes place during the online training. Focusing on getting as much practice as possible is what helped me pay for both the Core and Advanced trainings, as well as additional Mastery Classes.

  • Jenna

    I’m currently in grad school pursuing my masters in Couple and Family Therapy (hopefully going towards the sex therapy track they offer) and the exercises and experiences you have lead have been tremendously helpful in not only regulating my own nervous system while in this intense program but helping me stay grounded and well attuned to my clients at my internship. The aspects you both have taught keeping coming to the surface and I feel so capable of trusting myself with what I’m providing to my clients. And being ok if I make a mistake, which happens. Anyways, a long winded way of saying deeply dearly thank you for the work that you both do so well and with such compassion. Once I am done this program I’m sure you will see me at another training or retreat.

  • River

    Years of higher education and personal growth pale in comparison to the multi-dimensional learning offered by Celeste & Danielle
    My experience of Somatica has been profoundly transformative and integrative of my approach to sexuality and human relationships.
    I recommend it for everyone who wants to live a more fulfilled life.

  • Charlie

    Celeste and Danielle are wonderful teachers, and they’ve developed an amazing training that takes experiences that people struggle with and turns them into opportunities for healing, growth, and intimacy. And along the way, you’ll get support and care for your own healing and development.

  • H.R.

    Celeste & Danielle have created a revolutionary approach to transformation. Because it dives deeply into the vulnerable and guarded realms of sexuality, the healing is profound and touches all parts of one’s life.
    The process of being in a relationship with a practitioner while finding one’s own individual humanity allows more self-love and acceptance. Leading an individual into embracing and loving the human they are, living in a world where desires can be embraced, mistakes become learning and life is a continual journey of curious exploration.

  • Tori

    Throughout my experience as a student and now as a professional in the Somatica Method, I have felt extraordinarily supported by Celeste and Danielle and the other faculty and group leaders. Not only do I feel like they understand me on a personal level and care about my growth and feelings, but they have helped give me the confidence and support to really start to get my business up and running. To me, this is an invaluable part of the training.

  • Elena

    I came to the training after realizing that traditional therapy alone was not getting at what was deeply stuck in me.
    As the training progressed, I knew I had made the right choice as the parts of me that felt calcified started to soften. I found my way back to myself and to a profound sense of aliveness, joy, freedom, and connection.
    The Somatica Training was not only a personally transformative experience – it also prepared me for the most fulfilling work I have ever done. I have since started my own practice as a Somatica Sex and Relationship Coach!
    Celeste and Danielle have developed a one-of-a-kind method and are absolutely brilliant practitioners, teachers, and mentors!

  • Venus

    This training was so deep, and I love the way you each bring such a unique flavor to the work.
    I felt really supported and appreciated and learned so much from the practice.

  • Emma

    I’m feeling called to share something with you: When I first started Somatica I had a job that was running me into the absolute ground. I was in a relationship that was destroying me. I could honestly barely stand my life.

    In this moment right now, I’m sitting in the most beautiful place I’ve ever been in Joshua Tree. It is the morning of my first retreat (which sold out in 12 hours). My editors for the magazine I’m writing a sex column with LOVED my final changes to this week’s piece. All my clients are reaching out sending their love and wishing me luck.

    I just can’t believe this is my life. Selfishly, I can’t believe I have this freedom. I can’t believe I’m financially making more than I ever made in my corporate jobs in just a little over a year of starting my practice. I can’t believe I get to travel whenever I want. What a privilege. 

    But more than that, I can’t believe I get to do the work I do. I can’t believe I get to share these tools  with people this way. Everyday I get to experience intimacy, and see the parts people hide away of themselves. 

    Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for empowering me— you could have so easily taken advantage of me when I came to you so vulnerable & desperate to change the condition I was in. But instead, you introduced me to myself: a woman capable of more than I ever gave her credit for. My inner child cannot believe this is who we grew up to be.

  • Brian

    Somatica is a great modality for helping people with all sorts of sex and intimacy issues, and Celeste and Danielle are amazing practitioners and teachers. I also got a lot of benefits from being a practice client for other students. All in all, the retreat was an awesome experience – personally and professionally!

  • Couple holding hands

    Who knew there was so much that one could learn – and enjoy learning – about how to relate and create intimacy with your partner. There seem to be so few places in life to ask questions about this topic – we don’t do that well in our society – to find out more information, to find out what other people have already learned. But the workshop was the perfect environment. The content was engaging and helpful, we practiced together and with the teachers and coaches, and we were able to bring home some great ways of relating that have opened up an already great relationship into something even better. Danielle and Celeste were masterful in how they taught and coached and in sharing the wisdom they’ve learned over their years of helping others. I couldn’t recommend the workshop any more heartily to others!

  • Tomas

    There’s a new wave happening in the world of counseling and sex coaching – and Celeste and Danielle are on the cutting edge of that wave. Working and studying with them has been an exhilarating experience of surfing that wave. The Somatica® Method is nothing less than a revolutionary new approach that’s turning the field of sex and relationship coaching upside down and right side up. I feel lucky to have studied with Celeste and Danielle, the master artisans of this new approach. Be forewarned, Somatica is not for those who want to coach from the sidelines. It’s for those who are ready to jump into the deep end of the pool and call forward the most vulnerable parts of both themselves and their clients to be transformed, healed and reborn – in partnership. It has changed the way I think about sex and relationships, and transformed my approach to coaching.

  • Ashley Gates


    Discovering what my core desires are has not only improved my relationships with my partner, family, business partners and friends – but has also opened up a pathway for more love and compassion to myself.

  • Pamela Joy

    I found that in the Core Training, I was able to really explore my own personal relationship to various aspects of my sexuality, which transformed my marriage and my life. This exploration was crucial to having a personal understanding of what it’s like to do this work. In year 2, I was just starting to see clients, and found the Advanced Training gave me the ability to know what they needed to work on next and helped me feel authentically connected to them in the process. This made my work so much more efficient and effective. I was thrilled to be able to apply new insights immediately into my client sessions.

  • Dr. Recommend Somatica

    I want to express my deepest personal and professional gratitude to the both of you. I am sincerely blown away by the profound impact my experience with the Somatica modules have had on me personally, in my relationship with my wife, and with my patients in my primary care practice. For the first time ever, I am truly getting to know myself and my wife, and to see a much more enjoyable way to serve my patients through what you have taught me in Somatica. I cannot envision a time in my life when I will not be living out of, teaching, or be connected to Somatica.

  • Aspen

    I knew I was passionate about sexuality and helping others which is why I found the program. But now I’m able to own my worth and truly support people in this area of their lives. The tools of Somatica have blown my understanding wide open, and I love learning new ways to play, love, and feel.

  • Ian

    Last year, I did the training as a means of personal growth, with no ambitions to become a practitioner. I could say the same thing about this year, but that isn’t entirely accurate.
    As I grow and transition as a person, it is becoming clearer and clearer that the world of sex therapy, intimacy coaching, sex education, etc. is where I belong. My goal for the year is to gain a clearer idea of how I might fit into this world.
    I don’t know what my future will look like, but I know Somatica will have a strong presence in it.

  • Dalia

    Somatica has been hugely transformational for me both personally and professionally. Before becoming a practitioner, I was a client who experienced very low desire and believed I was not a sexual being. I feel sadness as I remember the false beliefs I thought were true. So not true!

    I also learned to be vulnerable in my relationships. Because of my own personal transformation, I decided Somatica was the work that I wanted to do in the world and I love what I do! My ongoing training in the method continues to increase my skills as a practitioner and expand my understanding of myself as a sexual being.

  • Kai

    Somatica has had a profound effect on my life, both personally and professionally. I have learned and integrated deeper levels of love, connection, and compassion with myself and others through this work. As a result, all of my relationships have benefited and transformed for the better. The training has also given me the tools to be the best and most impactful practitioner and teacher I can be and has been invaluable in helping me build a thriving practice.

  • Kai

    If you are lucky enough to study with them and to have them as mentors, you could see positive changes in all areas of your life. I appreciate and draw upon this work all the time and in all kinds of experiences. It is no coincidence that so many people use the words “transformational” or “revolutionary” when describing Somatica.

  • Xanet

    Whether you are a therapist or a coach – I highly recommend the Somatica Couples Training. It has given me a powerful paradigm to work with couples who are having challenges around intimacy, relationships, and sex. Through this unique, holistic, embodied approach, couples learn how to care for and love each other, resolve the inevitable conflicts that arise, deal with disappointment without blame or shame, and deepen their relationships and intimacy.

  • Sven

    I’ve been to so many trainings where diversity wasn’t even touched upon. Now I always prepare myself for that to be missing.

  • Jaime

    Working through unearthing how these strategies have impacted my life, gave me a deeper understanding of how to extend compassion to myself and my clients. Beyond that – relationships that had roadblocks to connection shifted substantially. By having a deeper understanding of the strategies we build in response to early childhood wounds, my compassion has increased.

  • Dori

    I do have to say that in addition to the training, I have worked extensively with 2 Somatica coaches and attended all of the practice groups I was able to. That combination has taught me so much about myself.
    I have had a tremendous growth arc from beginning to end. I almost don’t recognize the person I am now. From this growth, I know myself better. I know my desire. I know my strength. I know my vulnerability. I know how I am in a relationship. My intimate partners see the difference in me and celebrate it.

    I am living the life of my dreams – largely due to what Somatica offered me and my own ability to integrate it. I will be forever grateful. I can now ask for what I want as a partner, sexually as well as relationally. I can show vulnerability and express when I am triggered. I can offer repair. I can be supportive and non-judgmental when I’m told difficult things about myself. I can fuck up and be OK. I know I don’t have to be perfect. My relationships are cleaner and clearer, more loving, more open, more sexy, more fun, and more full.

  • Amanda

    It feels part of my flesh; something that is mine now and will always be available to me. Thank you for this incredible body of work that you have created.
    On the day when I was set up to offer my first full session to a total stranger, I was nervous. I felt unprepared. But when I got into the session I realized that I had been exceptionally prepared: I had everything I needed. I had a whole toolbox of things to teach and share and witness.
    And I found that I also had access to an embodied wisdom inside of me that knew just how and why to use them. In that moment I realized how exquisitely this training had been crafted, how much care and thought and mastery has been distilled down into this set of techniques I now have in my back pocket.
    I noticed that a certain attitude had been passed down to me: an open, enthusiastic curiosity about the person in front of me, and an unguarded, playful, forgiving presence in myself. Holding such an attitude about anything is an amazing feat. But to hold it about the things so culturally clamped down upon like sex, desire, shame, emotions, old wounds, etc. is revolutionary!!!
    Teaching through embodiment really works!
    Not only the way you teach by leading us to physically and emotionally practice – but the way you manage to make yourselves, your own living structures of experience so open to us, so visible, so palpable, so available.
    This is how you manage to convey the philosophy of Somatica, which is this vital substrate, the context, that allows us the wisdom to know how to choose and wield these wonderful tools that are in the toolbox.
    Lots of trainings give out tools. Very few give this level of embodied wisdom.
    Loving you for all the hours, tears, sweat, and heart that have gone into this work. I can feel it.

  • Keeley

    When I am working, I am not only serving the client – I am also serving my soul. Working in the Somatica Method is more about a commitment to your soul. You do not leave yourself outside the room, only to return to yourself at a later time.
    Because of the way Celeste and Danielle view the erotic expression of self, one could not connect with a client without first deeply respecting and loving oneself.
    To say their Method is revolutionary is minimizing the gravity under which both client and practitioner can learn to relate in the world.

  • Alisa

    Not only has Somatica helped me become a very confident coach, you’ve also helped me start a successful business. That’s not something that I’ve had in the other trainings I’ve taken. Also, being on Somatica’s referral list increased my client’s bookings and the readiness of the clients.

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