Your Somatica Certification Path

The Somatica Certification Program offers a structured pathway to achieving sex and relationship coaching mastery. It also gives you the marketing tools to get you started in your own coaching business.

In other words – beyond teaching you practical sex and relationship coaching skills, the Somatica training program is designed to help you thrive even after you graduate. Because sex and relationship coach licenses don’t exist, taking a certification program like Somatica qualifies you to begin working with clients.

What Is the Somatica Certification Program?

One of the most important steps toward becoming a reputable and successful sex & relationship coach is getting your certification. Through supervision, home study, peer study, student coaching, and continuing education offered by the Somatica Certification Program, you’ll learn the necessary tools to drive meaningful change in your clients and the skills to run a booming practice.

Not only will you become a Somatica-certified coach, but you can also get certified by the American Board of Sexology (ABS), start receiving referrals, and unlock access to mastery classes.

A Quick Overview of the Somatica Certification Program

Relationship coach certification steps

Step 1: Attend the Free Info Session

Before you apply, we recommend attending a free live podcast, where we’ll dive deeper into the industry and our program, and answer any questions you have. This is an opportunity to see whether Somatica is the right fit for you — plus, you’ll get $400 off your tuition just by attending!

The Next Somatica Certification Training Begins October 25, 2024!

Let pleasure be your guide to an exciting new career. Become an in-demand sex & relationship coach and watch your own life transform in the process.

Join our live podcast with the Somatica Institute founders and save $400 on your tuition.

Step 2: Enroll in the Somatica Training Program

Designed to put you on your path to becoming a masterful coach, the Somatica training comprises a year-long curriculum: a six-month Core curriculum plus two or more specializations and a two-month Advanced curriculum. You can also opt to take additional mastery classes.

1. Core Curriculum (Modules 1-6)

Start your journey of personal transformation, self-awareness, and confidence with the core curriculum, which includes:

  • 90 hours of interactive online training
  • 12 experiential practice sessions with other students, clients, colleagues, friends, and/or partners outside of class so you begin to embody the role of coach and practice what you’ve learned
  • Assigned readings to enhance your understanding of intimacy, arousal, trauma, repair, and attachment
  • Home study assignments to help you learn how the material relates to you personally and help you start to think like a Somatica coach

Once you complete the core curriculum, which only takes six months, you can begin working with clients as a sex and relationship coach. This allows you to continue developing your skills and receive feedback as you complete your specializations and the advanced curriculum.

You will also be added to the Somatica alumni group, a valuable resource for finding collaborators, upcoming workshops and ideas, and peer support from your colleagues in the field.

2. Specialization – Choose 2 or More

The specialization is where you dive deep into working with specific skills, issues, or populations and deepen your effectiveness with clients.

  • In addition to the specific specializations, you can also attend a weekly business development meeting with co-founder Celeste Hirschman, MA, where you create a business plan, practice sales tools, and learn how to launch and market your practice.
  • Get access to optional weekly office hours with co-founder Dr. Danielle Harel, PhD, where she provides you with personalized feedback, ample support, and answers to specific questions to keep you on track with your coaching and business goals.

3. Advanced Curriculum (Modules 7-8)

The advanced curriculum is where you’ll level up your coaching and leadership skills. In these next modules, you’ll:

  • Dive deep into lessons that will help you guide your clients away from stories into emotional self-awareness.
  • Master the arc of a session – including advanced attunement, empathy and shame work, as well as celebration.
  • Understand growing edges and how to find them in your clients.
  • Work with advanced boundaries and difficult core desires

Step 3: Take the Certification Exam

During the hour-long final exam for your Somatica certification, you will present a recorded client session to either Danielle or Celeste, who will give you feedback on your work and determine whether you are ready for certification.

If you do not receive your certification, you can retake the exam as many times as needed — the cost of each exam is $360.

Once certified, you’ll join our referral program, which helps match you with potential new clients. You are also eligible to sign up for an American Board of Sexology (ABS) membership and be certified as a somatic sexologist.

Step 4: Sign up for Mastery Classes

To further hone your skills and offer the specialized support your clients need, you can participate in these mastery classes (only available to students who complete the core curriculum):

Ready to jumpstart your professional and personal transformation? Visit the Somatica training page for training dates and tuition fees.

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