Sex Coaching Tools

How to Overcome Shame? Become a Ruthless De-Shamifyer!

How to Overcome Shame? Become a Ruthless De-Shamifyer!

Most people have experienced shame as part of their upbringing in some way or another. It’s a commonly used tool to control children or fit adults into societal standards. The enduring emotional suffering from this practice however can be significant. So how can you overcome shame? You must become a ruthless de-shamifyer in your daily…

Healing Privilege and Oppression in Intimate Relationships

Healing Privilege and Oppression in Intimate Relationships

We live in a society where our founding documents say that we are all created equal. However, in our day-to-day lives, people are overtly or covertly discriminated against based on differences such as race or ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, gender identity, ability, age, etc. This discrimination affects people in every area of their lives, including…

The Definition of Personal Growth vs Self Improvement

The Definition of Personal Growth vs Self Improvement

People often come into our sex and relationship coaching offices with the desire to improve themselves. They might want to be better lovers, figure out a way to stop making the same relationship mistakes, or find ways to last longer in bed. They look at themselves as lacking or failing in some way – and…

Character strategies

What are Character Strategies – and How Do They Relate to Your Turn-Ons?

For as long as man has been trying to understand human behavior, theorists of psychology have looked at childhood development as the key to interpreting how we behave throughout our lives. Since our social templates are shaped by early experiences with family and peers, our adult lives continue to be impacted by the character strategies…

How to Connect with People For Your Online Coaching Business

How to Connect with People For Your Online Coaching Business

As coaches and others in helping professions, we support people in their most challenging moments. Pre-pandemic, we used to mostly offer our coaching services in person, but that has now shifted to an online coaching business model. Somatica coaches – and other coaches who use touch in their practice – used to have the option…

Showing Yourself Out – an Erotic Energy Exercise

Showing Yourself Out – an Erotic Energy Exercise

Each year, we offer a 6-months training to help people deepen the erotic and emotional connections in their lives. In this training, many exercises use verbal communications and others are more tactile and touch-based. But there is also a very unique technique around erotic energy we call “Showing Yourself Out”. Why Show Yourself Out Showing…

How Betty Dodson Inspired Me to Change My Career

How Betty Dodson Inspired Me to Change My Career

Betty Dodson – known to many as the godmother of women’s masturbation – was the motivation I needed to change my career. But it’s probably best if I start my story a bit further back. My First Forays into Sex Education My family wasn’t particularly liberal or conservative when it came to sex or sex…

Find your inner cleopatra
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Somatica Sessions #4 – How To Ask For What You Want

How to ask for what you want – both in bed and in life – is intensely difficult for many people. In this real-life example of a Somatica Session, Sabrina works with Somatica Institute co-founder Celeste Hirschman on the themes of self-care, self-love, and self-worth. She wants to overcome her fears of displeasing her partner…